Sunday, July 3, 2011

My... bucket list.

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." --John Lennon

... I've decided that I want to start making a bucket list. Yes, I know I'm sixteen. No, I don't plane on dying any time soon. But, if I want to get this stuff done, I need to start planning! (;

Plus, it's fun to even just dream about doing all of these things. (;

So. Here's... the beginning, I suppose? In no particular order. And I'll add to it as time goes on. And who knows? Maybe I'll even be able cross things off as time goes on. (:


1. Visit New York
2. See Les Miserables... as many times as possible (preferably 5+ times)

3. Stand on the Pont au Change bridge in Paris. It has some significance in Les Mis (with Javert, if that gives you a hint).
<--- There's a picture

4. See the Northern lights
5. Go to California (yes. I've never been to California).
6. Get hypnotized
7. Watch someone else get hypnotized.
8. Meet Alfie Boe
9. Visit Ireland
10. Get married to an amazing guy
11. Visit England
12. Meet Simon Baker
13. Be in a production of Les Mis (even just the ensamble would be fantastic).
14. Get my ears pierced (yep, my ears aren't pierced yet. I'm too much of a chicken. But it will happen!)
15. Meet Conan O'Brien
16. Meet Craig Ferguson

Anyway... that's about it when it comes to that. For now. (:

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