Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Musings of a Fanatic (:

Well, well, well. I suppose I should say a little about myself and my blog, yes? Yes.

Why the blog name? Well, once I develop an interest for something... I can get a bit "overenthusiastic" about it. (: Some may call them "obsessions", but that sounds a bit too negative for me. I prefer "enthusiastic interests." (:

What are some of my top "enthusiastic interests," you may ask? Well, let me tell you. (:

1) Les Miserables
2) The Mentalist
3) New York City
4) Stage Actors & Movie Actors
5) Family History
6) Music

People need to be careful around me when they bring up any of those subjects, especially the top four. Because, when they do, I get a bit excited. And then I go on and on about whatever subject was brought up, to the point that whoever I'm talking to begins to wonder what they've gotten themselves into. So, I've gotten to the point where I have to severely restrain myself. (; To be honest, I think that this blog may be a sort of outlet for me, where I can ramble on and one about any of these Enthusiastic Interests of mine without annoying people. (:

So, that's kind of how this blog will be. I'll ramble about my Enthusiastic Interests, and throw in a bit of my day-to-day life in there as well, just to add some boring to the mix. (: For the first few entries, I'll probably focus on each of my "Top Six" listed above. After that, anything's game. We'll see what happens. (:

Anyway, I suppose that that's all for now. (:

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