Thursday, June 9, 2011

The one thing I hate about summer...

 "Summer afternoon, summer afternoon -- to me, those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~ Henry James

Oh, summer. How I love this wonderful time of the year. (: School is out, the weather is warming up, the sun is out... it's all so PERFECT. (: That picture up there is one I took at a park that I went to with a few of my friends last Friday. We spent over an hour just hanging out, wandering around the little "forest" that boarders one side of the park. It was such a perfect day; our first day out of school, warm air surrounding us, the sun shining down... in other words, the epitome of summer! (;

I rarely do anything fun or exciting during the summer. It's sad, but true. While I have friends who will go on cruises, visit Disneyland, or go to some other awesome place, I stay home. Hang out with friends, if I'm lucky. (By the way, in my life I have never been on a cruise, visited Disneyland, or been to very many "awesome" places. Sad, but true). But, I guess that that really doesn't matter, right? It's SUMMER! A time of friends, family, fun, and sunshine! Some of my favorite things in the world! (:

So... maybe I can survive with out Disneyland? Maybe? ... eh, we'll find out.


However, there is one tiny little thing that I may or may not dislike about summer. Most people probably won't understand. This reason is... The Mentalist. Yes, The Mentalist. Maybe some have heard of it? It's a crime drama on TV starring Simon Baker. The main character is a man with a dark past with uncanny skills at observation. And I adore it. (: The thing is... it's not a summer show. It runs from September to May... in other words, no Mentalist in the summer. And it slightly kills me! I mean, how am I supposed to survive with out THAT face up there greeting me every Thursday night?! (;
Oh... I'm pathetic. Yes, I do realize that fact. But that does not lessen my love for this show in any way. (:
So... never heard of The Mentalist before? Like I said, The Mentalist is one of those many crime dramas. But, it's not quite like the rest. It's special. And why is it special? Patrick Jane, played by Simon Baker. (;
Anyway. Season three of the Mentalist just ended this past May with a shocking finale. I'm not going to spoil it for anybody who hasn't watched the show. (: But, the ending did slightly scare me, because, while it was a cliff hanger, I could see CBS just leaving it at that - no closure. So, for the next few days, I was wandering the internet, searching for any news of The Mentalist being renewed.
Thankfully, it has. (: The Mentalist will return for a fourth season this fall. HALLELUJAH! (:
While I'd love for summer to be as long as possible, there's always one tiny part of me that is just begging for September to come around. Ah, well.

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