Friday, June 10, 2011

New York, New York... it's calling my name (:

Now. One of my biggest dreams in life is to go visit the fantastic place known as New York City. Why? I honestly don't know. I've never been there before. But I want to go so badly. You have no idea. I want to see it all: the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Central Park, Broadway, Times Square, etc. etc. etc. There's only one little tiny problem: money. Have you seen the cost of airline tickets?! Yeah. Insane. It's getting to the point where only the rich can fly. And so, America slowly kills a teenage girl's dream.

However, I do think that I'll go to New York one day, either with friends or with my family. I'd be fine with either. As long as I go. All I need to do is get a job and start saving up the money. Sadly, getting a job is a lot harder than I thought it would be. But it's going to happen!

I've figured it all out. At the bare minimum, I'll be able to get a minimum wage job and work about 10 hours a week. That will earn my about $72.50 a week. There are 52 weeks in a year. So, if I worked at that minimum wage job at 10 hours a week for a full year, I would have about $3770.
Of course, my reasoning isn't perfect. I'll most likely end up spending quite a bit of that money on other things. And taxes takes a chunk out of your paycheck, of course. ;P But, it does give me hope that it can be done. (: The summer before or the summer after my senior year, I may be able to have my New York trip. We'll see what happens. (;

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